Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vocabulary #3

1. Apostate: abandoning faith

People who have lost everything usually become apostates.

2. Effusive: unrestrained in emotional expression
My parents get very effusive when I do something great.

3. Impasse: a road or passage having no exit
The conversation arrived at an impasse and the two decided to drop the subject.

4. Euphoria: a feeling of intense excitement
He had euphoria after eating his chocolate cake.

5. Lugubrious: looking or sounding sad
My sister lugubriously cried when our bunny died.

6. Bravado: A bold manner or a show of boldness
My dad had the bravado to tell me I smelt bad.

7. Consensus: general agreement 
The consensus was unanimous.

8. Dichotomy: a division or contract between two things
They signed a dichotomy to work together.

9. Constrict: make narrower
My sisters grasp on me, constricted my arm from moving.

10. Gothic: language or type of style
The houses in that neighborhood are gothic.

11. Punctilio: a fine point of conduct
My mom was punctilio in her efforts to teach me to tie my shoes.

12. Metamorphosis: a change of form
In metamorphosis, a caterpillar will turn into a butterfly.

13. Raconteur: a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way
The raconteur told an amazing story about the civil war.

14. Sine Qua Non: an essential condition
Thinking is very sine qua non for this course.

15. Quixotic: unrealistic and impractical
Everyone thinks Dr. Preston is a very quixotic man, because he has a PHD and is teaching high
school students.

16. Vendetta: bitter quarrel
The vendetta between my parents let my sisters very sad.

17. Non Sequitur: a conclusion or statement that does not follow previous statement
Her answer was non sequitur to the question.

18. Mystique: a fascinating aura of mystery
The man on the other side of the room has a mystique way about him.

19. Quagmire: a soft boggy area of land
When the snow melts, the meadows turn into quagmires.

20. Parlous: full of danger or uncertainty
The parlous ideas of the young man almost got him killed.

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