Monday, August 19, 2013

Vocabulary Words Week #1

1) Adumbrate: To outline; or to foreshadow 
Karla's paint style seems to adumbrate the outline of the car.

2) Apotheosis: The elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god
Some kids would consider my dad an apotheosis by the way he towers over them.

3) Ascetic: A person who abstains from the normal pleasures of life for religious reasons.
My dad knew a guy who was very ascetic and stayed in the church all the time.

4) Bauble: A showy, usually cheap, ornament; trinket
I found a small, shiny bauble in my sisters room.

5) Beguile: to take away from by cheating or deceiving
My sister is a master at being able to beguile anyone.

6) Burgeon: to grow or develop quickly; flourish
The flowers seem to burgeon in the spring.

7) Complement: something that completes or makes perfect
That sentence complements the paragraph perfectly.

8) Contumacious: stubbornly perverse or rebellious
My other sister likes to act contumacious to feel older.

9) Curmudgeon: a bad-tempered, difficult person
My dad can be a curmudgeon when he hasn't eaten all day.

10) Didactic: Intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive
The didactic book taught the class all about the ways of WW1.

11) Disingenuous: lacking in sincerity
Kate was disingenuous when she apologized to the boy who she hit for being rude.

12) Exculpate: to clear from a charge of guilt or fault
I need to exculpate myself from being a suspect of turning all our clothes white from using bleach.

13) Faux pas: a slip or blunder in etiquette, manner, or conduct
He has a faux pas by the way he talks to the queen.

14) Fulminate: Express vehement protest
She wanted to fulminate the rules where she worked.

15) Fustian: Thick, durable twilled cloth with a short nap, usually dyed in dark colors.
My mom once sold Fustians around town.

16) Hauteur: arrogance
He had such hauteur in everything he did.

17) Inhibit: to prohibit; forbid
I must inhibit such behavior in my house.

18) Jeremiad: a mournful complaint
She always had a jeremiad handy to tell her boss.

19) Opportunist: a person who adapts his actions to take advantage of opportunities
My older sister is a huge opportunists and doesn't let anything slip past her.

20) Unconscionable: not in accordance with what is just or reasonable
Her decisions were always unconscionable and irrational.

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